University of Sistan and Baluchestan

تاریخ: 18 September 2019

Dr Omid Zabeti participated at the Positivity X conference at University of Pretoria, July 8-12, 2019

Dr. Omid Zabeti visited South Africa in July 2019. He participated at the Positivity X conference at University of Pretoria, July 8-12, 2019. This conference will be held every 2 years. The main subject of the conference is Positivity and numerous applications in other disciplines such as science and technology. Many famous people in this field were present namely, Professor Vladimir Troitsky, Professor Marcel de Jeu and so on. Dr. Zabeti made several fruitful discussions with very informed mathematicians there; in particular, he noticed about many open questions in his field as well as the general theme on active branches in the field of Positivity. Also, he had a presentation and answered some questions in the assumed filed. He believes it was a great experience for him because of visiting South Africa, discussing many interesting subjects, and getting familiar with an excellent level of mathematicians in the Positivity field.